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Serves: 6
Total time:  1 hour 5 minutes

Additional time: makes 12 roses


  • 1 frozen puff pastry sheet, thawed
    2 red organic apples (like red delicious, Rome)
    Juice of half lemon
    1 tablespoon of flour, to sprinkle the counter
    3 tablespoons of apricot preserve
    powder sugar for decorating


  • 1. Thaw the puff pastry.

    2. Prepare a bowl with some water and the lemon juice. Cut the apples in half, remove the core and cut the apples in paper thin slices, leaving the peel so it will give the red color to your roses. place the sliced apples in the bowl with lemon and water.

    3. Microwave the apples in the bowl, for about 3 minutes just to soften them. Or you can also simmer the apple slices in the water in a small pan.

    4. Unwrap the puff pastry over a clean and lightly floured counter. Using a rolling pin stretch the dough a little, trying to keep it in a rectangular shape. Cut the dough in 6 strips. These are about 2 in x 9 in (5 cm x 22 cm).

    5. In a bowl, place three tablespoons of apricot preserve with two tablespoons of water. Microwave for about one minute, so that the preserve will be easier to spread. Spread the preserve on the dough.

    6. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Drain the apples.

    7. Place the apples on the edge of dough, with the unpeeled edges extending over the dough Sprinkle with cinnamon.

    8. Fold up the bottom part of the dough.

    9. Carefully roll, seal the edge, and place in a greased muffin cup.

    10. Do the same for all 6 roses. Bake at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) for about 40-45 minutes, until fully cooked.
    NOTE: make sure the pastry is fully cooked on the inside before removing the roses from the oven! If after 30 minutes the apples on top look fully cooked, move the pan to a lower rack in the oven, and wait for 10-15 more minutes to avoid undercooking the puff pastry.

    Sprinkle with powder sugar and enjoy!
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