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Serves: 10

Serves: 10
Total time:  1 hour 10 minutes


  • 10

    For the crust:
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 cup cracker crumbs
    1 teaspoon cocoa
    1/3 cup butter, melted

    For the filling:
    8 ounces semi sweet chocolate
    1 envelop unflavored gelatin (or 3 large sheets)
    1/4 cup cold water
    3/4 cup sugar
    8 egg yolks
    2 cups scalded milk
    2 cups heavy cream

    whipped cream
    chocolate shavings


  • Crust:
    Combine first 4 ingredients. Press mixture on bottom of a 9 inch pie pan . Refrigerate.

    Melt chocolate over a double boiler. Dissolve gelatin in cold water. If using gelatin sheets, immerse in cold water.
    Cream sugar and egg yolks. Slowly pour the boiling milk over egg mixture. Pour into saucepan.
    Stir with a wooden spoon over low heat until the mixture coats the back of the spoon.
    Do not boil. Stir in the gelatin and melted chocolate. Strain into a bowl. Cool mixture.
    Whip the heavy cream to a medium peak. Fold 2/3 into the cool chocolate custard. Save remaining for garnish.
    Pour into prepared pie. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
    Decorate with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.
    main ingredients: type of recipe:
    Warning: Undefined variable $cattype in /home/chefde5/public_html/recipe/tags.php on line 54
    pie/tart  type of dish: dessert   cuisine: France   specific recipes: entertaining   season and occasion: Graduation  
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    • Warning: Undefined array key "getusername" in /home/chefde5/public_html/animated-book_standalone.php on line 18
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