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Serves: 6

Serves: 6
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes

Filled with intense tropical flavors, this light soufflé gives the best results with ripe mangoes.


  • 6 1 1/4-cup soufflé molds
    For the molds
    2 teaspoons butter
    2 teaspoons sugar

    2 medium mangos ( 1 1/2 cups puree)
    1/2 cup sugar
    1 teaspoon lemon juice
    4 egg yolks
    4 egg whites
    1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
    3/4 cup confectioner's sugar


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Butter the soufflé molds. Sprinkle the bottom and sides of molds with sugar; shake out excess. Place dishes on a baking sheet. Do not touch the inside.
    Choose ripe mangos, full of flavor. Peel and slice all the pulp into a mixing bowl. discard the pits.
    Puree the mango pulp in a food processor. Whisk in the sugar and lemon juice. Pour the mixture in a saucepan, and stew over medium heat until thick. Cool the mango and transfer to a mixing bowl. Cool for 10 minutes Stir in the egg yolks.
    In an electric mixing bowl, whip the egg whites with the cream of tartar. When they reach a soft peaks, gradually add the confectioners sugar, and continue beating until the whites are firm and fluffy.
    Fold the egg whites into the mango mixture.
    Fill the mold with the soufflé mixture. Smooth the top with a spatula. Bake 12 to 15 minutes.
    Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve at once. Serve with a coconut custard cream.
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