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Serves: 4
Total time: 45 minutes


  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
    2 Tbsp olive oil
    1 clove garlic, minced
    2 shallots, minced
    ¾ cup dry vermouth
    ½ pint sliced mushrooms
    1 cup whipping cream
    Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
    4 Tbsp flat, Italian parsley, chopped


  • Preheat oven to 200˚F.
    In a medium sauté pan over medium flame, heat oil with garlic, being careful not to scorch the garlic. Sauté breast halves in the oil until browned on both sides (about 7 minutes per side for thick breasts)
    Remove breasts to an ovenproof serving dish, keeping as much of the oil in the sauté pan as possible. Keep breasts warm in the oven while you prepare the cream sauce.
    Add the shallot and sauté until softened and turning golden brown. Add the vermouth and deglaze the pan, scraping brown pits from the side of the pan. simmer until reduced by about half. Add mushrooms and quickly heat through. Pour in cream and bring to a boil and allow to thicken. Reduce the heat and season with salt and pepper.
    Pour the sauce over the chicken, sprinkle parsley over the sauce and serve.
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